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The NHMIS formed the backbone for monitoring results achieved from the implementation of the National Strategic Health Development Plan (NSHDP). It provides information on health service delivery and its supporting health system, in a timely and reliable manner. It is equipped to improve data capture, storage, analysis and report generation for health data in Nigeria.

The National Health Management Information System (NHMIS) was first established in 1993. In 2006, multiple vertical reporting tools and systems were harmonised. Following this, key programmatic indicators in the health sector were incorporated into the NHMIS as captured in the NHMIS policy (2006).

There are currently about 8 reporting monthly forms available on the DHIS2 platform and they include:

  1. NHMIS Monthly Summary (version 2013 and 2019)
  2. Anti-Retroviral Treatment (ART) Monthly Summary Form
  3. Community Monthly Summary Form
  4. HIV Counselling and Testing (HCT) Monthly Summary Form
  5. Health Facility Immunization
  6. Health Facility Vaccines Utilisation Summary
  7. IDSR 003 – Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR), and
  8. Routine Immunisation Supplementary Dataset.

In the NHMIS Monthly Summary Form (version 2013); the thematic areas for monthly reporting are;


  1. Health Facility Attendance
  2. Maternal Health
  3. Pregnancy Outcomes
  4. Immunisation
  5. Nutrition
  6. Malaria Prevention (LLIN)
  7. Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI)
  8. Family Planning
  9. Referrals
  10. Non-communicable diseases
  11. Sexually transmitted infections
  12. Laboratory
  13. Admissions
  14. Pharmaceutical service
  15. Adverse Drug Reaction
  16. Mortality
  17. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
  18. Tuberculosis (TB)
  19. Malaria and Integrated Services
  20. Commodity Availability